The cast of Fox's breakout comedy "New Girl" were enlisted to introduce 6 nights of shows on Fox during sweeps. With 6 scripts, 6 wardrobe changes and 3 hours to shoot, my challenge (and pleasure) was to direct this talented group of actors in these :25 second spots. Thankfully I had three cameras! Once in the can, I had a bounty of great takes to cut together the following fast paced comedy night opens.
The cast of Fox's breakout comedy "New Girl" were enlisted to introduce 6 nights of shows on Fox during sweeps. With 6 scripts, 6 wardrobe changes and 3 hours to shoot, my challenge (and pleasure) was to direct this talented group of actors in these :25 second spots. Thankfully I had three cameras! Once in the can, I had a bounty of great takes to cut together the following fast paced comedy night opens.
Not wanting to miss a single comedic moment from the shoot, I kept the cameras rolling the entire time the actors were on set; good thing we were shooting digital! As I cut together the night hosting spots, I found amongst the footage hilarious gems that I cut together as bonus content for on-line.
Not wanting to miss a single comedic moment from the shoot, I kept the cameras rolling the entire time the actors were on set; good thing we were shooting digital! As I cut together the night hosting spots, I found amongst the footage hilarious gems that I cut together as bonus content for on-line.